Monday 31 May 2010

Emilie autumn and ...girlyness

I've listened to a lot of emilie autumn in the past few weeks after discovering her through 'violet prison' which is a forum thingy most of the music i like are involved in. At first i found it to obscure, but after each time i grew to love it. So now after falling completely in love with her music and visuals, i did something very....girly. I played with makeup, which is odd for me because i wear virtually none. It was fun though, thanks to emilie autumn for filling my afternoon.

Tuesday 25 May 2010

his infernal majesty (HIM) concert

So, My first concert on the 16th of march to see HIM for my 14th birthday. Taking with me 2 of my closest friends (one who knew who HIM was and another who had no idea who they were). They where truly amazing live, even though it was my first concert. Ville, not being much of a 'show man' upon stage still managed to hold onto the audience. They came across as a band that was really getting on with it, instead of dressing up and distracting from the music, (which was great). Also, it was great knowing all the lyrics from there new album, i felt like a proper fan!!

Monday 24 May 2010

A fire inside (AFI) concert

So, I'm a little of a music addict its true. I'm also very picky but like are wide range of stuff (usually within the rock genre). A bit back I went to my second live concert and it was the amazing AFI playing. After seeing HIM (and ville is not much of a show man but an awesome musician) Davey was a shock. He was constantly jumping around the stage with his guitarist Jade and being very theatrical. His presence on the stage was almost mind blowing and the ability to hold the audiences attention was also very impressive. Being extremely close to the front also was an extraordinary experience, and getting a few decent shots with my standard camera was also a big plus. It has to be said, i'm not a fan of sick of it all, and the heavy moshing was really not to my taste. But the first support band 'dear and departed' i was very impressed with. And i could go on for absolutely ever...but a very memorable evening overall. Nothing to complain about.

Saturday 22 May 2010

Taking a dip

OK, it may seem odd to some people but this was my first swim in a river before. And one of the best experiences this year, and because i shared that time with my closest and funniest friends. I can finally say that I've swam in the river and that I feel free. I've always had a thing about fresh and salt water (especially with fish in it), so i feel kind of awesome today. My caftan didn't help much with the swimming, partly because of the huge bell sleeves, and i still didn't jump off the waterfall. Maybe this summer...

Monday 17 May 2010


Ok, i came across TOOL sometime last year on a TV channel called 'scuzz'. Since then i have come across a whole new genre on music, even though TOOL is incredibly individual. The deepness and spirituality is almost mind blowing coupled with the hypnotic sounds that are used. I'm also in love with their CD packing and artwork, most of which is done by Adam Jones (i believe). The videos are just out of this world, with third eyes, lotuses, chakras, caduceuses and so many other links to stuff. This adds an extra dimension also, if the music wasn't enough for you. Maynard (lead singer) is also in a band called 'A perfect circle' which have some similarities to TOOL, maybe because of Maynard's heavily distinctive voice. As well as opening my eyes to 'a perfect circle' it has also introduced me to Billy Howerdel's group 'ashes divide', who have their own unique music style also. Billy works with a perfect circle, doing some instrumental pieces and back up vocals. And on top of all of this (even though they have nothing to do with TOOL) i have found 'karnivool'. So TOOL is truly awesome in many aspects. Including opening my eyes to the world of hypnotic music.

Sunday 16 May 2010

ok, my etsy shop...

I've just started an etsy shop to sell my latest creations. Etsy is an amazing idea, and it gives people a chance to make something out of their creativity. It houses everything under one website and gives sellers a fair opportunity to get there work out into the world, unlike a small individual website. Its been an experience, i have to make enough stuff to get my shop noticed (which is proving difficult). With no feedback, it makes it more difficult. It may be my marketing skills, creations or anything else. But hey, i find it great fun just making things and building on it.

Buy Handmade

old japanese postcard

My nan was going through a postcard album that was given to her a few weeks ago, and found this. Its an old Japanese postcard, we are unsure of its age but we are guessing that its 100 years at least. It would have originally been black-and white, but whoever sent it has colored it in with some type of pen. We think it may have come from my great granddad's brother, but again we are uncertain. The ink has faded in some places, and it may have been exposed to damp at some point as the top of the card is somewhat blurred. But being a complete japan-o-file its a really special insight into old Japanese culture, even if it is just a snippet. I'm guessing they are not geisha, rather citizens in their traditional dress.